How a Former Rolling Stone Editor Embarrassed Dems During Twitter Files Hearing

Back in my day, people who called themselves liberals defended free speech and more transparency within government.  Not anymore, honey.  The only ‘truth’ some of these folks are interested in is what supports their agenda.

“Matt Taibbi testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Taibbi, a former contributing editor for Rolling Stone, opted to go independent, devoting his full-time writing to his successful Substack newsletter. Taibbi has been calling out the liberal media for their serial failures, especially on the Russian collusion hoax. This reporting style has led many progressives to label him pro-Trump and a conservative when he’s anything but those things; Taibbi is a committed liberal.

Yet, he’s also pro-free speech and very wary of the censorship apparatus the political class, intelligence community, and big tech have created—all of which has been documented in the series of stories called the Twitter Files. The evidence confirming conservative bias was unearthed once Elon Musk bought the company.

Taibbi had to push back against attacks that he was pro-MAGA, a beacon of misinformation, and a peddler of conspiracy theories against Democrats who probably didn’t read his past work when he was with Rolling Stone magazine. It was when Democrats demanded he reveal his sources that he drew the line, though Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-VIS), the ranking member on the committee, refuted Taibbi’s claim that he was called to make such disclosures.”

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