We used to call this “Cutting Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face”

In other words, taking actions that hurt YOU more than your intended victim.  Those geniuses in Europe have now realized that it was a really, really bad idea to try to cap gas prices from Russia.

Trying to cap prices to Russia is like you going into WalMart and telling them you’re not paying more than $3.00 for an item they have marked for $4.95.  WalMart tells you to go away, we don’t want to do business with you anymore, and that’s exactly what happened.

…Russian President Vladimir Putin made it very clear that any further efforts to weaken his economy, via western sanctions and interventionist efforts against his economy, would be met with retaliation in the form of cutting off all oil and gas supplies to Europe. It appears the Europeans now understand the nature of their vulnerability.

Now these European geniuses that had this ‘cap prices’ idea are crawfishing.  If only they’d realized that Russia can sell their stuff to anyone in the world, and maybe we’d better not try to play stupid games with them.  Another down home expression comes to mind “Don’t let your alligator mouth overload your jaybird *ss.”

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