Unfortunately, this won’t surprise you

Have been asking for years “what exactly ARE they teaching in schools these days?”  It isn’t Civics, that’s for sure.

Read the article about a political science professor, who gives his students quizzes on their first days in his class, to determine their level of knowledge.  The failure rate is awful, and downright scary.  This is the worst part:

“…he also supplies students with an altered version of part of the Russian Constitution, where he swaps out the terms “Russian Federation” for “United States” and “Duma” for “Congress” — he then instructs the students to write a paragraph discussing what they think about it.

“Realistically, their response should be one sentence: this is not the United States Constitution,” Giordano noted. “Instead, many will write how they never actually read the U.S. Constitution, which is horrifying given the number of years they have attended school prior to taking my course. Others will reference Article 7 where it explains ‘…guaranteed minimum wages and salaries shall be established, state support ensured to the family, maternity, paternity and childhood, to disabled persons and the elderly, the system of social services developed, state pensions, allowances and other social security guarantees shall be established,’ and praise the foresight of the founding fathers.”

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