What next?

First, we hear Germany might have to shut down breweries and Oktoberfest; next, I hear England might run out of fish and chips.  Now it’s Halloween candy; who’s going to be more upset about this?

Can someone tell me WHY?

I just don’t see what having drag queen shows at US Army bases are supposed to accomplish.  Are we going to defeat our next enemies with boas and eyeliner??

I love Cotton the House Rooster

He’s just adorable, with excellent manners.  I can’t quite tell if he and his family are from the South, but if they’re not, they should be.  I’ve never heard of a rooster that likes getting his hair done, but there you go. Just in case you wondered, I have no plans to have my own […]

Tacky, tacky, tacky

Members of Congress can’t even show up and play a baseball game for charity without acting like rude idiots.  Our leadership.  Right.  See it .

Told you this was just the beginning

I just didn’t think it would happen this fast.  Energy concerns in Germany have them now considering cancelling things like Oktoberfest or shutting down breweries.

Higher education at its finest

“Angry White Boy Studies“???  Every time I think I’ve seen the stupidest thing that they are doing in supposed higher education, they say “Hold My Beer”

Here we go

Preview of coming attractions:  one German city turning off hot water and public building electricity. All this pain is so stupid and self-imposed.  I just wonder how badly the NATO leaders will suffer along with the regular people.  Not much, I’m sure.

Not too far from us!

Properly-made banana pudding is so rich, I can’t imagine eating a whole lot at one time.  But we must make sacrifices for glory.  World Banana Pudding Eating Contest info here.