
I think this is mainly a southern little-old-lady phenomenon, dying out now, but so popular in earlier times.  Although why you’d want to dig too deep into your ancestry is beyond me – I doubt it’s very seldom good news.  More than likely, you’ll find out your forbearers were hung for horse thievin’, or something […]

Good grief

Well, this is obviously a case of racism.  Or alien-ism.  Or something.  Can you imagine why people wouldn’t want to have this fellow working in their store, office, or restaurant?  I sure can’t.  To achieve his transformation, he’s had some fingers amputated, as well as ears and the tip of his nose.

You can’t make this stuff up

Yes, anyone who does anything in their own home that is offensive to others should feel the full force of the law.  Looks like she got paid back, tho.  Myself, I’m thrilled for other people to be vegans – more ribs for me!!  Take a look

Why are old Southern women so cranky?

You would be, too, if you’d been told since birth to constantly ‘smile’ and ‘be sweet’.  At some point in our advancing age, all that holding back has to stop, and decades of  righteous anger come out.  It can be a sight to behold. The transformation to “Little Lady-hood” began when you could barely walk!  […]

I can’t even

Human sacrifice is just around the  corner, I guess.  Article is from the NY Times via Conservative Treehouse.  

The Cajun Ninja

This guy’s as much fun to watch as the food is good.  Started off making cooking videos on Youtube, now has quite a following, including his own brand of cooking spoon & spices.  He karate-chops his vegetables and plays good music in the videos, as well.  And yes, the food is great.  Check out his […]

Have we not suffered enough in the past few years? Now this?

She Who Must Not Be Named might run again for President?  Or are they just trying to give us bad dreams? Personally, even tho the Democrats are in a right ol’ mess with Joe Biden, I don’t think they are desperate enough to want HER.  Read about it here.

Fun for the whole family

Brawling at Disney World.  You know, you could have saved yourself bunches of money and time if you’d just stayed home, gone to the liquor store, and then gotten in a fight at the Dairy Queen about who was next in line for a foot-long chili dog.  Read about it, and see it in all […]