If Church Ladies Had a Reality TV-Show

Yes, it’s really funny!!!  Check it out! “And that’s where this episode of “So True, Y’all” comes in! “The Real Church Ladies of Burndale” imagines all the passive-aggressive comments, petty behavior and hilarious theatrics that would likely take place among a group of ladies planning a church event in the South if it was the […]

Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

‘Our Tests Show The Water In East Palestine Is Safe For Drinking,’ Says Official With Gills And Glowing Yellow Eyes‘

LA Times: California Lost Half a Million People in Just Two Years

I can’t imagine why, can you? “Let’s see: Shut down the state for a year, mandate masks and jabs, stop prosecuting criminals, let homeless people take over, and embrace every single wacky left-wing policy from no-limit abortion to transgenderism.” Maybe that song needs to be changed to “California, Here I Go”.

Just Half????

I’d think the number would be much higher, wouldn’t you?  Gallup/Knight Survey: Half of Americans Believe “News Organizations Intend to Mislead Them” And it’s not just the Democrats or Republicans who feel this way, either: “Perceptions of political bias in news coverage have also increased, with independents driving the trend, followed by Republicans, then Democrats.” […]

Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

‘OK, Take Us To A Different Leader,’ Say Exasperated Aliens After Trying To Communicate With Joe Biden. “The aliens were already asking why we kept shooting down their peace offering balloons containing Hickory Farms cheese and sausage gift baskets,” disclosed another source present at the meeting. “But I guess it really started to get bad […]