If You’re So Right About Everything You Said, Why Are You So Upset?

Dems Are Oozing Flop Sweat Over Release of J6 Surveillance Video.  But why, if everything happened the way you said it did, what are you worried about?  I mean armed, violent subversives are threatening people’s lives and trying to overthrow the government.  Aren’t they?  So why’s this caused such a stir?? “Axios is reporting that […]

‘I have a master’s degree. What do parents have?’, Asks Teacher

So, because you have an advanced degree, this means you are in charge of what the children learn and when they learn it, not their parents.  Sorry, dear; you might also need a whack on the head with a concerned grandmother’s best umbrella!  Read this and become truly disgusted at what some teachers in our […]


Definition, per Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary: Egotist:  A person of low taste, more interested in himself than me.

Things Only Southerners Say When It Snows

If you’ve lived “up north” all your life, you have no idea what “Snowmaggeddon” does in the south.  Panic over an unnatural event that terrifies us!  It immediately sets off a rush to any and all food stores to buy bread and milk.  Don’t ask me why, I don’t even drink milk, and I’d rush […]

Side Effect You Don’t Often Hear Of

American cancer patient apparently developed an “uncontrollable Irish accent” during treatment.  No word on if the patient was charged extra for this undocumented feature. “A cancer patient in the US developed what researchers say was an “uncontrollable Irish accent” during treatment, despite never having been to Ireland nor having immediate relatives from the country. While […]

Your Tax Dollars At Work

A $400K Missile Might Have Taken Down a $12 Hobby Balloon Over Yukon Territory.  Had no idea how much these types of missiles cost, until informed by The Yankee.  Maybe I’m crazy, but I kind-of thought you were supposed to KNOW what you were shooting at before you target it with anything, much less a […]

There May be Hope for the Youth of America, Yet

Cabas, WA, student wants to ride to prom in WWII tank.  Now, their dresses are a lot skimpier nowadays – in my day, you were supposed to look ‘sweet’ in your Prom dress.  I once went to a formal dance (in a long dress) with a guy who drove a pickup truck; getting in and […]