My Thoughts Exactly

For the Laptop from Hell scandal, the coverup is worse than the crime.  I really don’t care much at all if Hunter Biden is a scum, other than when it comes to selling his Dad’s influence. What’s truly sickening and scary is seeing branches of our Government used to protect some folks, and hurt others.  […]

Look At What We’ve Come To

In the U.K. now, but I’m sure some folks would love to see this over here, too.  Silent prayer is now “anti-social” behavior. “Footage published by Alliance Defending Freedom shows police confronting Spruce, who has been charged with breaking a Public Space Protection Order for praying silently near an abortion clinic on four different occasions […]

Your Daily Bee Sting

Ex-Twitter Employee Scores New Job Working For FBI Due To Past Experience Working For FBI.  Another joke that seems very plausible.

Stanford Proposes Adding ‘American’ to ‘Harmful Language’ List

The “Harmful Language” Initiative.  When has language ever harmed anyone? “In May, Stanford University developed the “Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative” to replace certain words and phrases on its website with approved alternatives. The list of soon-to-be banned terms includes the label “American,” which Stanford argues is too US-centric and ignorant of the other forty-one […]

The Beat Goes On

Twitter File Release #8.   Pentagon/State Dept Use Twitter for Propaganda, to protect Pres. Obama. “Barack Obama established the partnership between government and social media, and within this release Twitter is protecting Barack Obama. This release is so over-the-top-obvious in its intent to protect the Obama legacy, that the nature of the DoS/DoD admissions within it […]

Biden’s Natural Gas “Phase Out” is the Next Looming Disaster

It’s Only Money. “Back on December 7th (Pearl Harbor Day, appropriately enough), the Biden administration issued a declaration via the Department of Energy ordering all new or refurbished federal buildings to eliminate the use of natural gas and become fully “electrified” beginning in 2025. The order didn’t receive much attention in the press at the […]

No Surprises, But Certainly Worth Reading

Twitter Files Part 7:  FBI, DOJ ‘discredited’ information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings. “Independent writer Michael Shellenberger released part 7 of the “Twitter Files” on Monday, delving into how the FBI and intelligence community “discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.” The lengthy Twitter thread reveals what Shellenberger calls an “influence campaign” […]

Intelligence Agencies Run Amok

Twitter File Supplemental – DHS/FBI requests so numerous and pervasive, even Twitter Execs thought they were going too far.  And that’s probably saying a lot. “It’s the proverbial and circular use of the wrap up smear. Intel community seeds media with false or manipulated narrative. Media prints false or manipulated narrative. Intel Community then uses […]