“Democrats could win every election if they’d stop talking about pregnant men”
Well, I don’t know about EVERY election, but they’d certainly do a lot better if they maintained some sort of link with reality. The traditional strength of the Democratic party has always been the blue collar workers. I can’t imagine what Mr. or Mrs. Average Joe thinks about some of this craziness. From “The Squad” […]
He’s suing the FBI & DoJ
And who could blame him, what kind of behavior is this for these organizations?
Wa-ah is hell
Hat tip to DZ.
I didn’t see that this was “the Bee” at first…
And almost spit my lunch all over the table – because gee, it could have happened! “Biden gives Queen one Final Sniff” https://babylonbee.com/news/biden-tearfully-gives-queen-one-final-sniff
Yes, please go right ahead with this
Useful idiot Joy Behar of “The View” (or as I like to call it, “The Poo”) says a Presidential ticket featuring CA Governor Gavin Newsom and Stacey Abrams sounds good to her! Does anyone want the entire nation to be like The People’s Republic of California?????? Surely not. And Stacey “Runway Model” (I’m still not […]
Yes, it’s that great time of year!
Well, I guess he’s not against ALL meat, is he?
COO of “Beyond Meat” bites off tip of man’s nose in weird incident at University of Arkansas’ Razorback Stadium. It may not be polite to say, but the Belle instinctively mistrusts people who won’t eat hamburgers. Or Steak.
If I never hear the word “reparations” again, it will be fine with me
Apparently, CNN’s resident idiot, Don Lemon, got taken to task when he mentioned to a British Royal expert that perhaps some folks need reparations from the Royal family, since they’re so wealthy. Watch and read what this woman said. Did the British Empire do all kinds of dastardly things to people in other countries? Sure […]
Apparently, the DoJ needs to know if you don’t support gender modification for children
Papers, please. What has this group done wrong? Not accused of any wrongdoing, but it should be noted: “Earlier this year, the Alabama legislature passed the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, which became effective on May 8. It bans puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery to alter the biological sex of a minor. […]
I think I know whose doorstep the next bus load of illegal immigrants needs to land on
So, she thinks illegal immigrants are a blessing? Spread those blessings to her front door next! This is seriously funny, because the mayor of her hometown, NYC, just says he may sue Texas over these blessings, because they didn’t give them any advance notice. Hey, y’all are the ones who said “we want to be […]