What were we thinking these things would do?
Been thinking again about my best friend from High School, who just passed away. One of the silliest things we did, at age 17, was to decide we needed to enroll in the Elaine Powers Figure Salon. At that point in time, I barely tipped the scales at 100 pounds, and we both were in […]
We have a contender for this week’s Meme winner
Hat tip to CW. (If you have something the Belle needs for this site, email me). This one is good!
He nails it
We certainly don’t agree on everything, but Bill Maher is right on the money here. Evil as it is, Americans did not invent slavery, it’s been around as long as we have. Rewriting history or ‘cancelling’ those who didn’t behave according to 21st century standards is ridiculous and stupid. Historical facts should not be rewritten […]
I guess you’ll see posts soon telling you to “Pray for Massachusetts” during this scary time
MA Governor calls out National Guard to deal with the 50, (yes, 50!) illegal immigrants who were sent to Martha’s Vineyard. In the meantime, thousands a day come in to border states, and it’s just fine. And crazy folks like Kamala Harris go around saying the “border is secure”.
More Idiocy from “Higher Learning”
Apparently, if you’re not white, it’s ok to be a racist, according to this college, whose new handbook only talks about what white people should do to fight racism. Not people in general, just white people. Amazing. Is it just me, or is singling only one group out for something kind-of, well, racist??
Well, isn’t this special?
FB sharing private IMs with the FBI. Did anybody think that they WEREN’T doing this? Apparently, if you don’t like what the Biden Administration’s doing, you’re a “white supremacist”. But even his personal goon squad (FBI) are disagreeing with this. …Current and former FBI agents told The Washington Times that the perceived White supremacist threat […]
Take note…
This truly put a smile on my face
It doesn’t get much better than this – just a few days after Kamala Harris made the ridiculous statement that the border is “secure”, TX Gov sends 2 busloads of illegal immigrants to be dropped off AT HER HOUSE in DC. One of the people on those buses sure doesn’t think the border is “secure”. […]
Harvard, bringing Ivy League Wokeness to a new level
Using the wrong pronoun is “cultural/identity” abuse. “…an environment that perpetuates violence,” a voiceover from the training states, including “sizeism and fatphobia,” “cisheterosexism,” “racism,” “transphobia,” “ageism,” and “ableism.” “ Have you ever heard of anything so silly? I had to look up “ableism”, that’s a new one on me. Apparently, this abuse is defined as […]
Perhaps the NYT should write a big article about this
NYT recently wrote a big article about surveillance technology in China; do you suppose they’re ever going to write one about what’s being done in the U.S.? An excellent article about a subject most of us don’t even realize is going on.