Imagine that

No consequences for illegal aliens crossing the border helped cause the border crisis  – says the Border Patrol Chief in recent testimony.  Who would have thought that??  Only anyone with a lick of common sense!!

This could be a tad awkward

So, the GOP wants Facebook to turn in its conversations with the FBI about ‘disinformation‘.  i.e., the Hunter Biden laptop story. What’s funny is that normally any request like this would come from the Justice Department, but since they’re in the middle of this mess, I guess not.  Frodo said that everything with the FBI […]

We had odd dolls when I was a kid

But at least there wasn’t any gender confusion!  The cover shot is Thumbelina, which didn’t do much but roll her head and legs around.  My Grandmother hated this one, because she said it looked “afflicted.”  I’m not sure exactly what she meant by that, but she wasn’t the prettiest thing, and that weird head-rolling gave […]

I’m sure it was just a coincidence

Attorney General sends out memo to FBI/DoJ personnel about being careful about talking to Congress.  I’m sure those 20 or so whistleblowers had nothing to do with, stop being so suspicious.

The essential Back-to-School Item nobody knows about now

This was definitely on your required list of back-to-school supplies way back when.  “Bring one of your father’s cigar boxes to use as storage for crayons, scissors, etc” I guess it never occurred to anyone that people at your house didn’t smoke cigars – I mean, somebody had to. If you had no male relatives (or […]