Makes sense to me.  Not.  The NYPD is deploying janitors and maintenance workers on the streets. “If they were already fully qualified to grab a badge and a firearm and hit the streets, what were they doing in those jobs in the middle of a police shortage?”  If they’re not, what the heck??  They’re going […]

The “Lone Gunman” of 2022

FBI agent Tim Thibault abruptly resigned yesterday, and was escorted out of the building “amid whistleblower allegations that he showed political bias in his handling of politically sensitive investigations.” Yep, it was just this ONE GUY and he did it all, right?  In a bureaucracy, you don’t do something that wild without at least tacit, […]

You cannot make this stuff up

Good Little Prince Harry drives his electric car to board a private jet for a 1-day polo match.  In addition,  he sent a Range Rover, a separate vehicle, back to Montecito to collect his polo equipment

Make up your mind

We usually don’t let minors get married (without parental permission); we don’t let them enter into contracts, and do other such things because they’re MINORS, and have no sense – probably really won’t have any until they’re around 30 years old, if then. But apparently minors (some as young as 3 years old) can make […]

Bill Maher will soon be banned from the ‘Cool Kids Lunch Table’

I certainly don’t agree with everything he says, but he gets some stuff right.  See how idjits Rob Reiner & Amy Klobuchar react when he asks the question  “Is anything ok to do, if it stops Trump?”    They sputter like crazy, they don’t even seem aware that the media has admitted they did kill […]

Now isn’t that a funny coincidence?

Lots of FBI agents work at Twitter.  Really?  “The issue of Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop is an issue of financial viability.  The business model of Twitter just doesn’t exist as a free social media discussion platform while running the ultra-expensive data processing system needed for millions of simultaneous users.  A global chat that requires exponential […]

1984 in 2022 for Huck Finn

If you think about it, Huckleberry Finn was pretty radical in its time for its depiction of 2 boys of different races being friends.  Either way, banning the mention of books just because you don’t like what they say is dangerous.


This is shameful.  “Across cities such as Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Seattle and Washington, D.C., violent crime as of May had increased as much as 40% when compared to the same time in 2021”