Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

On top of the disturbing overreach of the DoJ/FBI being used {again} to target political foes of the Administration, there’s this: the claim that Attorney General Garland didn’t know about the raid on Trump’s home. REALLY? So, agents of the FBI went off on their own and decided to do this, knowing that it would […]
Oops I did it again

I like cats, and often post cat memes. Guess what just got me in trouble with FB THIS TIME? Apparently, this goes against what passes for “community standards”??????? To all medieval cats everywhere, I doth apologize.
Because why wouldn’t we want gender-identity curriculum in elementary schools?

Parents need to look what’s going on in the schools.
An extremely dangerous overreach, regardless of how you feel about Trump.

If you’re not concerned about this, you’re not paying attention.
I agree with Jacobson

This is a provocation. They want you to take some sort of action, so they can be justified in coming down on you as a domestic terrorist. It’s sickening.
Do people even do this anymore?

This was the true dream of every little girl around my age. Standing in front of the band, twirling for the crowds – maybe, maybe even FIRE BATONS, where they’d turn out the stadium lights for max effect. I tried hard at an early age with a baton – but my arms were so short, […]
The Belle cannot conceive of anything we need more of in our country than this!

What we really need more of in this country is thousands of more IRS agents, right?? Gee, thanks, Congress. What we really need is more grandmothers armed with umbrellas, spatulas, and fly swatters, if you ask me.
Where are folks with a butterfly net when you need them?

I’m so glad we messed up diplomatic relations with China, so these important words could be said to the Taiwanese people: “In our earliest days at our founding of our country, Benjamin Franklin, our presidency, said, freedom and democracy. Freedom and democracy, one thing, security here. If we don’t have- we can’t have either, if […]
Don’t be fooled by that sweet smile

We’ve spoken before how quickly the sweetness factor can turn on a dime, especially when advanced age is involved. It all just erupts out like Mount St. Helens at times, and there’s nothing you can do but watch the horror unfold. My own great-grandmother was a tiny little woman, maybe about 4’10”, size 4 shoe, […]
This will not be a pretty sight

Ok, all you folks that think the supply chain problems are not a big deal. YOU go break the news to the pregnant wimmens that their epidural isn’t available. We’ll sell tickets to watch