Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

“Fascism is a clear and present danger in this country,” began Senator Chuck Schumer, “and the only way to defeat it is with a corrupt, all-powerful police state that can imprison anyone who disagrees with us politically. If we don’t do this, fascism will win.”  

A Must See

This is just the newest listing of things that are RACIST.  Look and be informed.

This Only Makes Sense if You’re the Government

Biden Admin Spending $50 Million a Year Just to Store Trump’s Border Wall Materials.  Quite literally, “Your Tax Dollars Not At Work.” “While the border remains a total disaster, the Biden administration spends about $130,000 per day, nearly $50 million a year, to “do nothing” with former President Donald Trump’s unused border wall materials. The […]

Are You Ready for the “Trans Day of Vengeance?”

Not particularly.    And vengeance from what? “Black men die by homicide at a rate of 55 per 100,000. Trans people: 3.75 per 100,000. Every murder is a tragedy and a crime, no matter the victim. But what is shocking about the murder rate for transgender people is how low it is, not how high. […]