Are You Ready for the “Trans Day of Vengeance?”

Not particularly.    And vengeance from what?

“Black men die by homicide at a rate of 55 per 100,000. Trans people: 3.75 per 100,000.

Every murder is a tragedy and a crime, no matter the victim. But what is shocking about the murder rate for transgender people is how low it is, not how high.

The Daily Wire did a deep dive into the FBI stats and found that there is statistically almost no hate crime against transgendered people, perhaps because, contra the propaganda, few people actually hate them. I, personally, feel sorry for them. Gender dysphoria is by definition mentally painful–that is what dysphoria means, after all–and the pain must be intolerable if you are willing to disfigure yourself in order to escape it.

People are angry about the full-on pressure to groom children who are not genuinely dysphoric into a trans cult, but that anger is directed at all the activists and has nothing to do with the trans or non-trans status of the groomer. Straight, gay, trans, or furry–stay away from the kids!”











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