This Only Makes Sense if You’re the Government

Biden Admin Spending $50 Million a Year Just to Store Trump’s Border Wall Materials.  Quite literally, “Your Tax Dollars Not At Work.”

“While the border remains a total disaster, the Biden administration spends about $130,000 per day, nearly $50 million a year, to “do nothing” with former President Donald Trump’s unused border wall materials.

The administration pays private landowners to store 20,000 unused border wall sections at 20 project sites.

Other costs associated with storing the border wall materials included security cameras, electrical and stormwater materials, and overhead lights, Fox News reported.

Republican Senate Armed Forces Committee members sent a letter to assistant secretary of defense for homeland Defense and hemispheric affairs Melissa Dalton detailing the situation.

“Every day, the Department of Defense pays $130,000 to store, maintain, and secure these materials,” the senators wrote.

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