How to immediately confuse & confound Yankees without even trying

The most basic of questions that Southerners ask each other, usually right after meeting, is “Where are you from?” This gets you confused, weird looks from just about anyone not from the south, who ask you things like “Do you mean where was I born? Or where do I live now, or what??” No, I […]

Why am I beginning to sound just like Grandmother & Mother?

If I’ve said “What is this world coming to??” once in the past few years, I’ve said it a thousand times.  I’m glad my Grandmother is not around to see this world, because much more mundane happenings brought this phrase out of her, along with a solemn head-shaking and a “umm-umm-umm” sound.  I can’t imagine […]

White Trash Cooking

While Belles usually have nothing to do with trashy folks of any kind, this book is worth getting just for the cover photo.  I think I’ve seen this woman in every Walmart I’ve ever been to. But on the serious side, there are some very down-home recipes in here that are good.  Can save your […]

Cotton Country

Any Belle knows that no southern woman worth her salt would put her name on a recipe that wasn’t good, much less have it published in a book, so you’re usually very safe with Jr. League publications.  This one was created in my hometown.  They’ve done several other cookbooks, but this original is still my […]

Deep South Dish

The marriage of a Mississippi lady and a Cajun man spawned a website that produces down-home southern favorites, with some spicy attitude.  I have favorites on this site, but I’ve never really tried anything that wasn’t good.  Take a look