My mind Cannot Cope with Gender Fluid SES’rs Who Steal Luggage

There really are not many words that I can add to this.  Feast your eyes upon one of the latest members of the U.S. Govt’s Senior Executive Service in the Department of Energy.  (Official Title:  Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, whatever that means.) Now, once you get past […]

Um, Whut????

MSNBC says Georgia’s runoff elections between 2 black candidates are to ‘keep black candidates out of office.’ I realize it’s MSNBC, but someone’s going to have to explain that to me.  I mean, if it’s between 2 black candidates, won’t one of them win and be in office?  My head hurts.

CNN: Freedom of Speech is Nonsense

Um, sorry, but I think CNN is nonsense.  Apparently, having an opinion different from what you’re being fed 24/7 by the “main stream” media makes you a Russian agent, or something.   “Everything is about Vladimir Putin to these people. According to them, he stalks the shadows like some bizarro Batman, ready to pounce at […]


Guess who’s responsible for vaccine side effects????  YOU ARE!!! Yep, you’ve gotten yourself so worked up about the vaccine you’re causing yourself side effects.  Really.  This is such a con.