This Should Go Without Saying
But not these days, apparently.
Well, Yes
I Love the Holidays
Man arrested after family game of Monopoly turns violent, shots fired.
My mind Cannot Cope with Gender Fluid SES’rs Who Steal Luggage
There really are not many words that I can add to this. Feast your eyes upon one of the latest members of the U.S. Govt’s Senior Executive Service in the Department of Energy. (Official Title: Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, whatever that means.) Now, once you get past […]
I Wish This Was a Joke. It’s Not.
Washington Post praises play that’s sympathetic toward pedophiles. I’d like to say I’m surprised, but just nauseated.
Um, Whut????
MSNBC says Georgia’s runoff elections between 2 black candidates are to ‘keep black candidates out of office.’ I realize it’s MSNBC, but someone’s going to have to explain that to me. I mean, if it’s between 2 black candidates, won’t one of them win and be in office? My head hurts.
The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! (And It’s All Elon Musk’s Fault, y’know)
I don’t use Twitter, and don’t give 2 hoots about it. But for the life of me, I have never seen such hysteria erupt in liberals because “they may have to see something they don’t agree with“. Will not deny that I have very strong opinions, and love to make fun of ones that I […]
CNN: Freedom of Speech is Nonsense
Um, sorry, but I think CNN is nonsense. Apparently, having an opinion different from what you’re being fed 24/7 by the “main stream” media makes you a Russian agent, or something. “Everything is about Vladimir Putin to these people. According to them, he stalks the shadows like some bizarro Batman, ready to pounce at […]
Guess who’s responsible for vaccine side effects???? YOU ARE!!! Yep, you’ve gotten yourself so worked up about the vaccine you’re causing yourself side effects. Really. This is such a con.
This is one Hallmark Movie You Probably Won’t Ever See
But it’s funny.