The Bee Story of “Californians Move to Texas” Continues
This time, they go to Mecca, otherwise known around here as “Buc-ee’s”
Your Daily Smile From the Babylon Bee
If only….. “In Huge Black Friday Sale, Store To Sell Everything For Price It Was Before Biden Became President”
What a Concept
Another point that proves Italy’s new “Mussolini-like” PM is evil thru and thru, right? Italians who refuse job offers could lose social benefits. The horror.
OK, now you’ve done it?
Climate folks now go after our pets? You’ve stepped in it now, y’all. “A few years ago, cow flatulence was going to keep the world from achieving its climate goals, so Bessie was targeted for her carbon hoofprint. That was child’s play compared to the CNN column, recapping a study that immediate action was necessary […]
Well, This is Scary
Raise your hands, ladies, if you’d like to be treated by a OB-GYN who apparently doesn’t know what a woman is. And sings about it. Badly.
AZ Police Say Don’t Do Drugs or You Might End Up Buying Owls for $100 at Gas Stations
I kind-of hope if you are buying wild owls in the middle of the night at sketchy gas stations, from strangers, that you AREN’T sober. If you’re sober & doing that, I’m REALLY worried about you. Check out the local PSA…
I Wish It Wasn’t True, But It Is
Your Morning Babylon Bee Smile
Gee, I wonder why not? Former Twitter Employee Can’t Seem To Find Meditation Room At New Taco Bell Job
I Never Stop Marveling at These Idiots
One hour: Twitter employee with a moral duty to disobey and protest now an ex-Twitter employee Normally, I don’t find people losing their jobs amusing, but this bunch of wah-wah babies are in a class by themselves. Hey, you feel you’ve got a moral obligation to publicly protest Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, go right ahead. […]
Your Smile For the Day From The Babylon Bee
Here it is: Exclusive: Trump’s Big Announcement This Week Is That He Bowled A Perfect 300 In Wii Sports