Funny, But True
Actually, I Think This Sounds More Interesting Than She Does
And at least you know the machine will stop making irritating noise, eventually. H/T: LK
Back In My Day
Princeton University Offering a Course on ‘Black + Queer’ Bondage
Yes. There’s not much more to say here about this. I watch a lot of college football, and if I EVER see “Black + Queer Bondage Studies” listed as a player’s major, I am not responsible for my behavior. Higher education at its finest, here, huh?
As The Article Says, “We accept your terms”
Young woman declares if she can’t have access to abortion, she won’t have sex unless you marry her. OK, fine by us. I’ve been pooh-poohed for saying most abortions aren’t due to rape, incest, mother’s health, etc, – and statements like this prove it. Last chance birth control is what it is. So women have […]
The Hypocrisy is Amazing
Elites flew to climate summit in over 400 private jets. Because they really need to be all in a pile at a beach resort to think of more things for YOU to do to protect the environment, right?
Next Up on the Biden DOJ Hit List
Guess who it is? No surprise here.
Well, I Know When I’d Be Committing Crimes, If I Were a Crook
California county stops all daytime police patrols due to staffing problems. This is pitiful. Bet the citizens have a real warm and fuzzy feeling about this.
The Babylon Bee Gives You a Smile – Again
U-Haul Builds Bullet Train from California to Texas. But it only goes one way.
Scarborough and Sharpton Compare Stacey Abrams to Moses. Moses is always the first thing I think of when Stacey Abrams comes to mind, right. Heck, I thought she was a runway model, I had no idea that she was like Moses. Who knew?