I Don’t Care if Hunter Biden is Scummy, But I DO care about…
Him facilitating influence peddling of his father, why the FBI protected him, etc, etc. I’m glad the President can be so cavalier about this. “WATCH: Biden wishes Republicans ‘lots of luck’ with their attempts to investigate Hunter”
After Careful Consideration, Ontario School Board Rules This is OK
This is a male teacher in Ontario – who decided he wanted to start wearing girl clothes, complete with giant breasts and protruding nipples. And the school board ruled it was ok.
Your Daily Babylon Bee Smile
New Greta Thunberg Thermostat Scowls When You Turn Up the Heat It must have been easy to get a photo of her scowling, since she always seems to be doing that. If this were real, it actually might be fun to have!!
“Clown” is Right
Rachel Maddow says Republicans in AZ open-carry at the polls to intimidate Democrat voters. Actually, you legally can’t bring firearms to polling places in AZ, it’s against the law, as the article shows. But hey, if you’re stupid enough to believe anything this harpy says, maybe you just ought to believe that and STAY HOME […]
Oh, Give Me a Break
New York Times releases guide on “How to Cope with Election Results“, in case your candidate didn’t win. As the article making fun of this idiocy says about the Times: “Maybe you shouldn’t have spent six months convincing your gullible readers that democracy will end if their party loses” I’ve been laughing and shaking my […]
Money Well Spent?
I mean, who wouldn’t want to read about this? U. Illinois Paying Trans Students to Write About Their ‘Toilet Experiences “In hopes of facilitating a “holistic” toileting experience, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is paying students who identify as “transgender” or “non-binary” to journal about their use of restrooms that do not align with their […]
Today’s Going to be a Long Day – Here’s Something to Make You Smile
A rare funny from Saturday Night Live; even they can’t help but make fun of these clowns. H/T: The Yankee.
Take a Wild Guess Why This Isn’t Front Page News
Because the jerk attacking this woman is a white Democrat attacking a black Republican. I get so confused – violence is ok if you’re a Democrat; this would be blared from the rooftops if the races and parties were switched; riots get called “mostly peaceful protests” if you’re a Democrat; questioning election results is heresy […]
And You’re Mad Because a Bus Load Got Sent to “Sanctuary Cities”?
Give me a break. This is a routine occurrence at the border. Hundreds of Single Adults Calmly Marching Across the Border, Meeting No Resistance.
I’m Confident That You’re Right, Sir
Reporter Asks Bill Clinton Point Blank About His Alleged Ties To Jeffrey Epstein. “I think the evidence is clear,” Clinton said with a smirk.”