What price Beauty?

Everyone had one.  It dried your hair quickly, and made you look all space-agey at the same time.

Southern Living Sets Us Straight On Snacks

You Might Be from the South If You Consider These Canned Foods a Memorable Snack.  They review what I never knew before – that these are ‘Southern’ snacks?  Nobody but us eats them?  Is that correct? I don’t remember Beanie Weenies being a treasured snack in my childhood.  Maybe I’m just too old, and they weren’t […]

Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

I really wouldn’t doubt it. “Punxsutawney Phil Emerges From Burrow To Let Everyone Know There Are Some Documents Marked ‘Classified’ Down There“


Biden: “More than half of the women in my administration are women!” Maybe.  I feel so sorry for satire writers – you just can’t make up stuff to match this.

AOC is Hippity-Hopping Mad

About her good pal Ilhan Omar being removed from her seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  How do people watch her without busting out laughing right to her face? I would say that old southern phrase “She’s mighty cute when she’s mad”, but she really isn’t, and I don’t want to be accused of […]


Definition, per Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary: Bigot:  One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion you do not entertain.

Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

Everyone Ordered To Pay Everyone Reparations As Every Race Owned Every Race At Some Point.  I’ve said this for years – what country or race would NOT be owed reparations for things that happened in the past?  Unless it happened directly to YOU, or your parents, forget about reparations.