How a Former Rolling Stone Editor Embarrassed Dems During Twitter Files Hearing

Back in my day, people who called themselves liberals defended free speech and more transparency within government.  Not anymore, honey.  The only ‘truth’ some of these folks are interested in is what supports their agenda. “Matt Taibbi testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Taibbi, a former contributing editor […]

Your Daily Babylon Bee Sting

Oscar For Best Actor Goes To Volodymyr Zelensky. “While waving the Oscar statuette around wildly, he said, “For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibility. I am the world’s greatest hero!” “Also, please send more money for bombs.” He dedicated his win […]


Joe Biden says state of Florida is “close to sinful” and “cruel” for protecting kids from puberty blockers, operations to remove their genitals.    

Diversity Director Claims College Fired Her for Questioning Anti-Racism Policies

Geez, even the “Diversity Director” can’t stay out of trouble.  Stop asking questions, silly!  They mean whatever we want them to mean at the time! “A black director of a “woke” California college’s Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education claims she was fired for questioning the institution’s anti-racism “orthodoxy” and what the term […]

Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Footage Creates Legal Headache for DOJ Prosecutions

No matter what you feel about this topic, these sentences did not fit the crimes – which to me seem to be vandalism (breaking a window), or trespassing – but even that’s hard to say, since there’s lots of video evidence of them being escorted around by the Capitol Police.  Even if you hate what […]

Jane Fonda Thinks ‘Murder’ is a Way to Make Abortion Legal Again

Why does someone so evil always have such nice hair?  So let’s just murder these prolife folks!  I’m sure no one would mind, and everyone would be just fine with it.  No hate crime here! “BEHAR: Besides marching and protesting, what else do you suggest? FONDA: Well, it does involve murder.”